2655 Siringo Road , Santa Fe, New Mexico 8750
About Nava Elementary School
Grade Levels Served: K - 6
Enrollment: 305
Our School’s Operations and Functions:
Core subject areas include Literacy, Math, Science (including health) and Social Studies, Specials include Art, Music, Physical Education, Computer Lab and Library, Dual Language Instruction in Kindergarten–4th grade.
Why Our School is Unique:
40+ Years, Anniversary Celebration in spring of 2010, independent leagues for Boys and Girls Basketball, Cheerleading, Volleyball and Swimming; Student Council, Cooking With Kids, Boys and Girls Scouts, Battle of the
Books, Family Math Night, Family Literacy Night, Family Movie Night, Valentine’s Spaghetti Dinner and Dance,
Volunteers Reception, Family Art Fair, PTA Turkey Bingo, Tennis and Tutoring, Dual Language in Kindergarten–4th
grade (first Dual Language School in SFPS).
Robert Dunn Real Estate, Inc. Robert Dunn & Pamela Wickiser Office Tel: (505) 470-9883