2921 Camino Los Caballos, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
About Piñon Elementary School
Grade Levels Served: K - 6
Enrollment: 517
School’s Mission:
To provide an environment that is safe and conducive to learning and teaching. Each child is provided with equal education opportunities and a solid foundation in all learning areas, in order for them to achieve their maximum potential.
School’s Vision:
To provide a high quality, world-class education ensuring success for every student through excellence in teaching.
Our School’s Operations and Functions:
Academic programs include Step-Up-To-Writing, Pre-Algebra, Enrichment Programs, NDI, Performing Arts, Literacy
Blocks, Bilingual/Title 1 Support for each class, Accelerated Reading, Compass Learning, as well as District recommended programs in Mathematics and Language Arts.
Why Our School is Unique:
Piñon is a true global snapshot of the best of Santa Fe. With such diverse student backgrounds, including at least 15 different home languages, the pride that students, parents and staff share in our school community is unending. All members of the Piñon community have a strong dedication to education and the belief that we all are striving for excellence. Students at Piñon not only enjoy engaging in the learning process but there are many other opportunities for them to participate in as well. With programs such as Girls on the Run, Conflict Mediation, Student Advisory Council, Faculty/Staff/Student Safety Team, Energy Conservation Team, School Spirit Leaders, Band, students not only are caring about their school they are taking actions to make their school and the community better. For those students who prefer athletics, there are opportunities through the community and parent volunteers to join and participate in swimming, volleyball, basketball, cheerleading and wrestling programs.
Parents are an integral part of the Piñon family. Parents not only fundraise to provide classroom materials and fieldtrip opportunities, they also volunteer numerous hours to serve as tutors, club sponsors, and helpers in the classroom. Through the PES, several community outreach accomplishments have been reached, such as Rotary Reads, where one class from each grade level gets to choose books from Collected Works and Bikes for Books, where the students who read the most are honored and receive a new bicycle.
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