1231 Apache Avenue , Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Salazar Elementary
Grade Levels Served: K - 6
Enrollment: 386
Continuous School Improvement
It is the belief here at Salazar Elementary that through collective planning, grade level goal setting, evaluating student progress, and a strong belief in the ability of our students to succeed, we will make a difference.
The following goals are the necessary means to ensuring success.
I. To focus on Teamwork, Goals & Data:
II. Interventions & Enrichment:
Salazar Elementary School (K-6)-Dual Language Program
Salazar provides a 50:50 simultaneous biliteracy model, in which students receive initial literacy and content area instruction in both program languages in grades Kinder through sixth. The program is in its 7th year of implementation and includes approximately 230 students. Salazar is unique in that our school has been the only site in the district to have established a 50:50 model where instruction is provided by two educators- a TESOL endorsed teacher and a bilingual certified teacher. Collaboration and planning are critical to the success of our program; teachers have developed a comprehensive Curriculum Articulation Plan to ensure instructional practices are aligned in both languages.
Robert Dunn Real Estate, Inc. Robert Dunn & Pamela Wickiser Office Tel: (505) 470-9883