602A Canyon Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Dr. J. Mark Sublette, a former physician, is the founder of Medicine Man Gallery. He is the author of numerous catalogs on Native American subjects and is an authority on the artwork of Maynard Dixon. Sublette is a contributor for Western Art Collector and Canyon Road Arts. He is also the author of the Charles Bloom Murder Mystery series. The first book in the series is Paint by Numbers, and his second book, Kayenta Crossing, will be released in July 2013. The photographs featured in his novels are his other love, which he shares on his website at www.marksublette.com.
Medicine Man Gallery has grown in content as well as space. Once known only for antique and Native American art, it now houses the finest in Early American and Western paintings. Along the way Mark has made the life work of western illustrator and artist Maynard Dixon a specialty. One room in the gallery is dedicated to works by Maynard Dixon.
He also collects works of the Taos Society of Artists. Contemporary Fine art & sculpture have also been added. The works of over 30 well-known contemporary artist and sculptors are represented. Works range from the ethereal realism of Peter Nisbet paintings to the cubist works of Ed Mell to the western sculpture and paintings of the Cowboy Artists of America.
Mark’s involvement in the arts is all encompassing. He buys, sells and researches. A constant student of the many areas he delves into, he is happy to pass along the knowledge, the delight in sharing his passion is evident as he speaks.
Robert Dunn Real Estate, Inc. Robert Dunn & Pamela Wickiser Office Tel: (505) 470-9883