2103 Yucca Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
The scriptures clearly state in Deuteronomy 6:4 that the responsibility for teaching children rest with the parents. Part of this responsibility includes the imparting of the ideas and philosophies shape the child's character. In Proverbs 22:6 we are directed to "train up a child in the way he should go." This "way" includes training for the whole child: the spiritual, academic, physical, and social parts of the child. We are further commanded in God's Word to "study to show thyself approved unto God..." II Timothy 2:15, the Bible makes it obvious that God and His Word should be the foundation and core of life.
We realize that in today's social structure that the church school can help many families carry out the responsibility. A Christian school is an extension of a Christian home in the training of the child for time and eternity. Attendance at this school is a privilege, not a right. The goals of Temple Baptist Christian School are not those of a reform institution, but of training Christian young people in every principle that will bring forth a student who will bring honor and glory to the God of the Bible. This type of student is self-discipline, responsible, and of the highest quality in areas of integrity, academics, citizenship and Christian leadership. We see the Christian school as a full partnership between caring parents, and caring Christian educators.
Robert Dunn Real Estate, Inc. Robert Dunn & Pamela Wickiser Office Tel: (505) 470-9883