321 W Zia Rd, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Education, Discovery and Celebration are the cornerstones of the dynamic learning process at Little Earth School. Students enjoy an early childhood program which is developmentally appropriate to the needs of young children. Our strong academic program integrates the visual and performing arts, storytelling, Spanish and music as essential components of the curriculum. Teachers build upon children's innate curiosity and enthusiasm for knowledge. At Little Earth we enhance children's opportunities to discover and experience by emphasizing the process of finding an answer. Our educational objective is to cultivate children's love of learning and encourage the development of creative and confident whole children.
Since 1978, Little Earth School has been providing an exceptional education program to children, 3-1/2 to 12 years old. Our School’s dedicated administration and faculty are a diverse group of early childhood educators with advanced degrees and many years of teaching experience. The outstanding quality of our program is due primarily to the expertise, professionalism and loyalty of our staff.
Little Earth’s curriculum is comprehensive and enriching. When children have moved on to other schools the transition has been smooth and they are able to adapt easily to new learning environments. Former students and parents report Little Earth School graduates excel academically in elementary school through college, and “standout” in their social skills, self confidence, leadership, creativity and respect for self and the individuality of others. Teachers of former Little Earth students comment on the children’s “sophisticated perspective that everything in the world is a learning tool” and their “highly developed ability to ask for what they need, stand up for themselves, and their ability to be good students, good friends and good citizens.”
Educational Philosophy: At Little Earth School we…
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