830 Fayette St, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Fayette Street Academy is a small alternative elementary/middle school in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We are a private independent not for profit, co-educational school, teaching students ages six through fourteen. Our curriculum includes math, reading, writing, languages (Chinese, Greek, Latin and Spanish), geography, history, art and music. These subjects are woven together and integrated in an age appropriate child available format.
Our location is in a long established, modest, residential neighborhood in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Since 1980 classes have been held in small adobe buildings that retain an informal, nurturing, homey quality. Because our plant is simple, tuition cost can be kept to a minimum. For thirty two years we have been able to offer high quality, individualized education with a low student to teacher ratio.
Individual attention is given to each child by every teacher in classes, during breaks and on the athletic field. Parents also find that the classroom and staff are readily available and responsive on a daily basis. The environment throughout our school is very friendly and personal.
One advantage of our small school is that all teachers know all children. Therefore no child is lost or ignored. Feed back, not a letter grade is given to children in writing, singing, mathematics or art. Students and teachers are not restricted to standard text book material. Teachers create and research material in an ever evolving exploration aimed at meeting the needs of each child.
Constant flow and movement is the theme when children are happy and balanced. Every day all the children head to the park, with teachers in charge, for a mid day break of games and activities. Twice a year a climbing course with ropes, harnesses, and rapelling is set up in The Big Elm tree on the school grounds for exciting, safe and challenging whole body-brain development.
Parents are an integral part of their child’s learning. Helping with homework; joining in the rhythm of baseball and craft weeks; teaching a two hour class with others for Parents’ Weeks; cleaning and fixing up the buildings during the annual Clean Up Week are some of the ways parents support their student at Fayette.
We are a unique and very successful school. For close to 30 years our students have taken how to learn in an integrated, self referenced way with them on their journey through high school and college. We welcome you on any of our open-door visiting days throughout the school year.
Robert Dunn Real Estate, Inc. Robert Dunn & Pamela Wickiser Office Tel: (505) 470-9883