569 Garcia Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
The Garcia Street Club is an NAEYC accredited non-profit preschool located in a charming neighborhood nestled in historic downtown Santa Fe. It was established in 1945 and has providing high-quality educational services ever since. We currently offer half-day and full-day programs for children ages 1-5 years.
Our goal is to provide a warm, nurturing environment that allows children to develop at their own pace, be directed by their own interests and collaborate with others toward a shared understanding.
Our belief is that children learn best through exploration and discovery in a stimulating supportive environment that has an emergent curriculum designed collaboratively between teachers and students.
We understand that a child's development is encouraged and strengthened by hands on experiences and interaction with their environment. Teachers design their classroom activities and projects in a manner which engages a child's natural curiosity and love of exploration in order to provoke ideas, and help them make connections enabling them to further their understanding of the world around them.
Our educational approach works to integrate all the unique ways in which children learn; we strive to respect each child's individuality and learning styles. We value the relationship between child, teacher and parent and work together to build a supportive community which celebrates the growth of each child.
Robert Dunn Real Estate, Inc. Robert Dunn & Pamela Wickiser Office Tel: (505) 470-9883